Artificial Grass

  • A low-maintenance landscaping option that keeps your lawn looking lush without constant upkeep.
  • Durable and suitable for high-traffic areas, making it a perfect choice for residential spaces.

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Elevate Your Garden with Artificial Grass

In today's fast-paced world, many homeowners are seeking ways to enjoy a beautiful garden without the hassle of constant upkeep. That's where artificial grass comes into play, offering an attractive, low-maintenance alternative to natural turf. There are a multitude of perks to having artificial turf over the conventional grass option, For example...

  • Low Maintenance: Artificial grass requires minimal upkeep, saving you time and money. Say goodbye to mowing, weeding, and constant watering. It's the perfect solution for those with busy schedules.

  • Year-Round Greenery: Regardless of the season, artificial grass remains vibrant and lush. You won't have to worry about your lawn turning brown during dry spells or going dormant in the winter. Your landscape will stay inviting year-round.

  • Water Conservation: Choosing artificial grass is an eco-conscious decision. It doesn't need regular watering, contributing to water conservation and making it an environmentally friendly landscaping choice.

  • Durability: Artificial grass is highly durable and can handle heavy foot traffic without developing unsightly bare patches. It's perfect for high-use areas like sports fields, playgrounds, and pet spaces.

  • Versatility: Its flexibility allows for a wide range of applications. Whether you want to transform your lawn, beautify your rooftop, enhance your patio, or create an indoor garden, artificial grass can do it all.

  • Cost-Effective: While the initial installation cost may be higher than natural grass, artificial grass pays for itself over time through reduced maintenance expenses. Save on water bills and lawn care equipment, making it a smart long-term investment.

  • Allergen-Free: Artificial grass is extremely helpful for those with grass allergies. It doesn't produce allergenic pollen and is easy to keep clean, making it a safe and comfortable surface for both children and pets. Enjoy a beautiful, allergy-free outdoor space with artificial grass


Artificial Grass

From 65 per m2

  • Best of the best artificial grass, backed by a 5-year warranty.
  • Designed to withstand heavy use.
  • Ideal choice for households with children and pets.
  • Offers perfect garden drainage, ensuring a clean and dry outdoor space.

Get Quick Pricing Estimates with Ease

At Mullanes Outdoors, we understand that convenience matters. We offer the flexibility to provide initial pricing estimates based on a few current photos and rough dimensions of your outdoor space. This allows us to start the conversation and provide you with an idea of the cost for your project without delay. Contact us today to discuss your needs and take the first step towards transforming your outdoor space.